Fitness Leads Unleashed: Introducing Gym Pillars & George Liu

Posted by Zora Stowers on Tuesday, May 7, 2024

George Liu of Gym Pillars specializes in helping owners get new members with his proven system. 

George and Gym Pillars have established themselves as an emerging tour-de-force in the marketing industry because they deliver results for every client, not just big clients.

Gym Pillars is an innovative company that has revolutionized the way gyms can be set up for maximum exposure and profit as they’re the only one that operates off of commission the way they do.

Investing in Courses, Coaching, and their Clients 

George, as someone who has personally undergone a fitness transformation, started his journey in college designing his own major, Health Marketing & Entrepreneurship. Post college, he continued to invest heavily in courses, coaches, and experiences to further his mission of helping people become healthier and happier through fitness.

In the earlier stages of Gym Pillars’ establishment, George took an uncommon approach of jumping into the trenches for the gyms he marketed by working inside the gym; this allowed him to not only learn about people’s struggles around health & fitness, how to communicate with them and show up for them but also to gain insights on practically what’s needed to get people in the door and sign up in a facility.

After hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in the business around coaching, advertising, and testing, they formulated their own process—teaching gyms how to charge what they’re worth to make the business sustainable all while delivering consistent leads on auto-pilot.

Gym Pillars, as a company, has been built on trust and delivered promises. George very quickly saw how much lack of trust there was in a market, where business owners were so frequently sold empty promises and stood to never contribute towards that.

He intentionally decided to build Gym Pillars in a way where the only way for them to make the business work is for them to deliver results.

After helping turn around numerous gyms on the promise “Hey don’t pay us a dime, just let us help you and once we’ve gotten you results, then you can pay us” they’re now positioned as one of the most trusted and premium marketing partners for gyms. 

On the consumer side, Gym Pillars has seen tremendous success mastering the art of channeling people’s motivations toward a healthier lifestyle and feeling better about themselves in direct action.

This means lives changed and more money made for gym owners.

They have the system so dialed-in that they consistently see an average cost per lead of $8 without any shady tactics across all markets they’re in, which is very uncommon.

On the client side, Gym Pillars has gained a reputation of going above and beyond to support gym owners in an especially unique way.

With each client they take on, they call them a partner, and they support them with an entire team that backs them up; effectively, being a trusted marketing team that’s got the gym owners’ backs.

In addition to marketing, George and his team support their “partners” by consulting on best practices, diagnosing root challenges of different businesses, helping them build their team, and more.

Test for Success And Then Test Again 

George has adopted a philosophy of there only being “wins” or “learnings” when it comes to decisions in business, and life. Gym Pillars’ ad system is a reflection of such.

When asked, George explains that the reason why the ads are so effective and profitable is that for three years they have been testing different copies, offers, and channels until they find what works for each gym’s target audience.

Unlike other marketing agencies who often adopt an approach of “setting it and forgetting it” for each client’s campaigns before moving on to the next client with little attention—Gym Pillars chooses to put the systems in place to check each and every single ad for every client daily, making adjustments as needed. 

If an ad or strategy is not yielding quality leads, George and Gym Pillars own up to it and return to the drawing board until they come up with something that works. 

George Liu and his team are all about doing research on just how well each idea performs before rolling out anything into production. He built this intensive testing process out of the intentionality to not be a business built on empty promises and deliver for their clients. 

And lastly, to further align him and his team with the right incentives, they operate off of a “Pay-per-Close” model where after getting started with the partnership, the only time they make money as a business is when their clients win. 

If you would like more information about Gym Pillars, you may visit their website or learn from George himself by joining his free Facebook group.
